CAPS 390 Final: CAPS-390-Master-Notes

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Microscopic anatomy- not visible by the naked eye. Histology- study of cells, tissues and organs at the microscopic level. All cells have a nucleus, cell membrane, and cytoplasm. Tissue- aggregation of similar cells and extracellular matrix entwined together and serve a specific or related function. Organ- groups of tissues that brought used together serve broader functions. Types of microscopy: light microscope- steps to use. Crosslink proteins and macromolecules with aldehydes (fo(cid:396)(cid:373)ali(cid:374) a(cid:374)d boui(cid:374)"s fluid). Maintains tissue shape and form when under slide. Mounting and staining- use hematoxylin and eosin (h&e). Embedding- paraffin/wax (soft) for lm, plastic/resin (hard) for em. Sectioning- lm 5-20um thick em 25-100nm thick components of cell like dna and rna so nucleus and ribosomes (stains blue), eosin is an acid that dyes basic parts of cell pink Magnifications 4, 10, 40, 100, 400, 1000: electron microscope- 150000x magnification. Transmission em- 0. 2nm resolution, uses smallest xsections, osmium tetroxide to stain. Use of gold or palladium to coat surface.