PSY 120 Study Guide - Final Guide: Jean Piaget, Max Wertheimer, Hindsight Bias

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21 Jul 2015

Document Summary

John locke: tablula rasa (we are born with a blank slate); father of empiricism. The enlightenment: religious worldview to worldview based on science and observable facts. William wundt: father of psychology; first controlled experiment at first laboratory in germany. Structuralism: human consciousness could be broken down into parts; developed by edward. Functionalism: human consciousness cannot be fragmented because it"s a steady stream of thought; developed by william james; influenced by theory of natural selection. Gestalt: consciousness is more than just the sum of its parts; people naturally seek patterns; developed by max wertheimer. Psychoanalysis: behaviour stemmed from unconscious motivation and desire. Behaviourism: directly measure observable human behaviour; developed by james watson; based on the work of ivan pavlov. Humanistic: people have free will and control their own destinies; behaviour is not just a result of some subconscious, motivational, and/or external stimuli or force; developed by abraham. Cognitive: study of the brain and its processes.