PSY 120 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cogito Ergo Sum, Carl Jung, Penis Envy

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Immortal mind: dualism (thoughts and ideas exist separately from the body; the mind doesn"t cease to exist once the body dies) Plato: student of socrates, furthered his ideas of dualism with ontos and phenomena, ontos: idea that lives forever and manifests in phenomena, phenomena: the manifestations of the idea that decay and die. Aristotle: student of plato, the idea (essence) is found within the phenomena (matter), and essence gives matter its shape through a process called entelechy (actualization, wrote first psychology text called para psyche (de anima) which explains the three. Souls: plant (nutrition), animal (action), and human (reasoning) Rene descartes: cogito ergo sum = i think, therefore i am , soul existed in pineal gland that controlled the body through hollow tubes, the soul flew through the body and out through behaviour. John locke: tablula rasa: we are born with a blank slate, father of empiricism.