TOX 4000 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hematopoietic Stem Cell, Innate Lymphoid Cell, Innate Immune System

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Lecture 15 & 16 | immune system toxicology. Immunotoxicology can be most simply defined as the study of adverse effects on the immune system resulting from occupational, inadvertent, or therapeutic exposure to drugs, environmental chemicals, and, in some instances, biological materials. Understanding the impact of toxic responses on the immune system requires an appreciation of its role, which may be stated succinctly as the preservation of integrity. If the immune system fails to recognize as nonself an infectious entity or neoantigens expressed by a newly arisen tumour, then the host is in danger of rapidly succumbing to the unopposed invasion. This aspect of immune competence is the reason why the immune system is often. Alternatively, if some integral bodily tissue is not identified as self, then the immune system is capable of turning its considerable defensive capabilities against that tissue, and an autoimmune disease may be the end result.