SOC 3750- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 45 pages long!)

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Soc 3750 police in society week one january 9th and 11th, 2018. Read robertson: policing: fundamental principles in a canadian context (pages 343-363) Anything that was feminine work console victims, first aid, take care of children: theme: policing as drama (image management, p(cid:396)ese(cid:374)tatio(cid:374) of desi(cid:396)a(cid:271)le (cid:862) elf(cid:863) i(cid:373)age, goffman presentation of self in everyday life. Pols 3750 police in society week two january 16th and 18th, 2018. A review of the international literature on the role of higher. Education in police training and education (pages 286-297), chappell: police academy socialization: Understanding the lesson learned in a paramilitary bureaucratic organization (pages 187-214) A review of the international literature on the. England and wales, like the usa, are yet to complete the transition to this model, a gap btwn theory and practice: accountability. In class lecture january 16th, 2018. Roles of police: role theory robert merton.