SOC 3750- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 56 pages long!)

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Adoption of behavioural patterns to meet social expectations (merton 1957) specific expectations. Predictability, our adoption of particular roles creates environment where behaviour is relatively predictable socialization, formal training, social order reaffirm particular role sets if organization is unable to impart to you, generally classify as failed institutions. When we adopt multiple roles, expectations often conflict. One role makes fulfilling another role extremely difficult role strain when a role you occupy strains ability to participate in all roles crucial in understanding officer mental health individual and organizational impacts. Will feel stressed, anxiety, bad habits, general health decline. When organization has employees that have role strain, these people cannot perform at their best ability and are burning out. Law enforcement knowledge of role is developed through early socialization. Most desirable if you speak with officers, vast majority will say enforcement will say that job is the most desirable role. Order maintenance: traffic, crowd control, disputes etc.