[PSYC 2450] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (62 pages long!)

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200 500 sperm from the male will travel up the vagina through the cervix into the uterus into the fallopian tube, fertilization occurs. Only the first one gets in and then the door closes so no more get in. Sperm releases its dna and ovum releases its dna and then they combine. Mitosis: start off with one cell and then it divides and makes 2 cells, then 4, etc. Meiosis: has something to do with the sperm and then genetic material from the male and female getting together. Step 2: crossing over (new/unique combos) a piece of one dna breaks off and switches with another one. A new unique combination that didn"t exist before. Meiosis comes first then mitosis (i before t) Call for the production of amino acids -> formation/functioning of new cells: e. g pigment in iris of eye (brown = call for more pigment.