PSYC 2450 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Neural Development, Neuroglia, Speedstep

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Heredity: d es c ribe the bas ic proc es s of c onc eption. Conception is the moment when an ovum released by a woman"s ovary and on its way to the uterus via the fallopian tube is fertilized by a man"s sperm. 200 500 sperm from the male will travel up the vagina through the cervix into the uterus, then the fallopian tube, where fertilization then occurs. Only the first sperm gets in, and then the door closes (survival of the fittest). The sperm then and the ovum release their dna, and then combine. Cell>nucleus> chromosomes> gene = segment of dna: sketch an illustration that depicts _____ (selected: mitosis or meiosis). Mitosis: start off with one cell and then it divides and makes 2 cells, then 4, etc. Then it travels its way back down the fallopian tube and attaches itself to the uterine lining and the mothers body nourishes it and it grows into the fetus.