PSYC 1000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Orthorexia Nervosa, Energy Homeostasis, Fluid And Crystallized Intelligence

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Learning: process of acquiring new and relatively enduring information or behaviours. Learning to expect and prepare for events. Accidently discovered classical conditioning in dogs salivary response (dogs would salivate before they even saw food (expected/prepared for events) Unconditioned stimulus: a stimulus that elicits a reflexive response without learning (dog food) Unconditioned response: is a reflexive, unlearned reaction to an unconditioned stimulus (dog salivating) Neutral stimulus: produces no response (bell ringing) Conditioned stimulus: stimulus that later elicit a conditioned response because it has a history of being paired with an unconditioned stimulus (ring bell, dog salivates after being learned it is paired with food) Conditioned response: learned response that occurs to the conditioned stimulus (dog salivates when hears bell ring even if no food) Acquisition: initial learning of the stimulus-response relationship. Ns and us are paired more often, cr becomes stronger. Extinction: diminished cr when an us no longer follows the cr.