POLS 2150 Study Guide - Final Guide: Margaret Somerville

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Decisions making about life (reproductive) and death are seen as private (especially to the state). However if society has a valid interest in marriage, it must remain involved through the law. Idea that if possible, children should be raised by their biological parents and although there are circumstances where that may not occur, we should not produce a system that intentionally creates otherwise. A judge ruled on this by recognizing procreation is fundamental for marriage and technology use leads to unethical results. A need to legislate in relation to reproduction. Belief that children have the right to be created in any form, however marriage symbolizes natural reproduction. Decision to include same-sex couples into the definition is not neutral with respect to the decision outcome. The primary purpose is to reproduce, the secondary outcome is the feeling of exclusion. Margaret somerville"s arguments are secularly based (nothing to do with religion)