[MCS 3600] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 37 pages long Study Guide!

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The influence of elongation on pouring and consumption volume. Centration hypothesis: centration is the tendency to focus on one aspect of a situation and neglect others. Study 1: how elongation influences the perceived and actual volume of juice poured by children. H1: children pour/consume more when given a short, wide glass than when given tall, slender glasses. H2: experienced adults pour/consumer more juice than they perceive when given a small wide glass as opposed to when given a tall slender glass. H4: the taller the glass, the greater the consumption. Both height and elongation have a significant effect on perceived volume. Material may also affect perception (plastic perceived to be larger than class) Shape of container affects perceived volume (taller appears larger than shorter) Consumers tend to overestimate the amount of liquid in a tall glass and underestimate the amount of liquid in a short, wide glass. Those with less experience significantly over-poured in the short, wide glass.