[MCS 3600] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 37 pages long Study Guide!

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The influence of elongation on pouring and consumption volume. Study 1: how elongation influences the perceived and actual volume of juice poured by children. H1: diet-conscious children in a given self-service cafeteria pour and consumer more juice when given a short and wide glass compared to those given a tall and slender glass that have the identical holding capacity. Gender affect found; females poured less than males. No interaction b/w gender and glass shape; shape of glass equally influenced males and females. No other covariates influenced actual volume poured and none influenced perceived volume poured. Campers given a short and wide glass poured and consumed more (74. 37%) than those given tall and slender glass but perceived themselves as having poured less. Elongation of glasses negatively influences pouring volume when people pour their own drinks. 97% finished their drinks; conclude elongation negatively influences consumption volume in a single-serving context. H2: confirms these same biased pouring and perceptual tendencies among non-vigilant adults.