GEOG 2210- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 24 pages long!)

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Environment: the whole of the aquatic, terrestrial and atmospheric non- human world, including specific objects in their varying forms, the organic and inorganic systems and processes that link and transform them. Society: includes humans and the larger systems of culture, politics and economic exchange that govern their interrelationships. Can either be stock resources (non-renewable like oil, or recyclable like metals) or flow resources those which are perpetual (ex. Like natural resources, this is an anthropocentric term it is a hazard only if it affects humans in some way. It is important to remember that natural resources can have an unnatural side to them. By this, we meant tat humans can exacerbate (or even cause) natural hazards. Higher pop can be argued as an asset: idea that when resources are scare, it leads to a search for alternatives and new ways of thinking ex.