FRHD 3150 Study Guide - Final Guide: Data Collection System, Binge Eating, Banana Split

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Many problems of self-control involve self-restraint learning to decrease excessive behaviors that have immediate gratification. Other problems of self-control require behavioral change in the opposite direction responses that need to be increased such as studying, exercising, being assertive, and performing household chores. Some believe willpower is responsible for overcoming such problems. It is more useful to look at how problems of self-control stem from differences between effective versus ineffective consequences of a behavior. = model for self-control self-control programs (self-management or self-modification) proceed through five basic steps. A strategy for using principles of behavior analysis to change or control one"s own behavior. Even though excesses might lead to negative consequences doesn"t usually matter. Why: immediate reinforcers versus delayed punishers for a behavior. A teenager wants to go out with friends but still has homework. When the parents ask about the homework, the teenager lies. Eating an extra dessert is immediately reinforced.