FRHD 2100- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 55 pages long!)

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Document Summary

History of sex: women of willendorf, 22000-21000 bce, fertility of female form, possible ignorance of male role in fertility, oil lamp, 100-300 ce, shift to agricultural society, phallic symbol to safeguard happiness, bring luck, guard against evil eye. Scientific method: formulate research question, create hypothesis, test hypothesis, draw conclusions. Multidisciplinary study of sexuality: multiple perspectives needed to understand sexuality, combination of biological, sociocultural and psychological factors, different perspectives: biological, evolutionary, cross-species, sociological, Multidisciplinary study of sexuality: multiple perspectives needed to understand sexuality, combination of biological, sociocultural & psychological factors, different perspectives: biological, evolutionary, cross-species, sociological, Research & clinical issues: detect & differentiate sexual arousal from control conditions, relationships between physiological & subjective arousal, reliability of measurement, between group comparisons. Laboratory & equipment: thermal imaging camera, tsa imagir system, seahorse biosciences, personal video display, olympus eyetrek fmd goggles, to eliminate the distractions in the lab, very sterile environment, difference in set up for males & females.