[FRHD 2100] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (17 pages long!)

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Gender roles: man cheats, women are aloud to be crazy and smash cars. Societal expectation on how individuals are supposed to look. More to relationships than a checklist (relationships may not work out even if all the checks have been on the list) The way partner treats you affects the way you treat yourself. Sex is not only physical action, it affects people in many ways. Social (learn and understand that there are more than just 2 genders) 4th country in world to legalize same-sex marriage. Up to 80% of canadians are accepting premarital sex. Age of consent for sex is 16. Netherlands 1st country to legalize same-sex marriage. Women of willendorf: 22000-21000 bce, fertility of female form possible ignorance of male role in fertility, understanding female fertility. Oil lamp: 100-300 ce (penis with wings?, shift to agricultural society, phallic symbol to safeguard happiness, bring luck, guard against the evil eye.