EDRD 4120 Study Guide - Final Guide: Job Satisfaction, Normative Social Influence, Estj

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Unit 01 ARES Reading Summary
Journal of Management Development. Does Herzberg's motivation theory have staying power?!
Bassett-Jones, Nigel ; Lloyd, Georey C!
-Herzberg and his collaborators published The Motivation to Work in 1959, proposing two
factors influencing motivation at work – hygiene factors that demotivate when they are
inappropriate, and motivators that sustain eort. !
-It catalysed one of the most strenuously contested areas of management theory, largely
because of the assertion that there was a weak correlation between financial reward and job
-while inadequate financial reward can demotivate, nevertheless, beyond a limited threshold,
money is a hygiene factor and does not motivate.!
-Herzberg and his team explored the impact of fourteen factors on job satisfaction and
dissatisfaction in terms of frequency and duration of impact. !
-they were found to group into two clusters depending on whether job satisfaction or
dissatisfaction was the focus of concern.!
-Sources of satisfaction included (Motivators):!
-a sense of achievement!
-the work itself!
-the opportunity to take responsibility!
-prospects for advancement!
-Sources of dissatisfaction (Hygiene Factors):!
-if they were unhappy with company policy and administration!
-technical and interpersonal supervision!
-financial reward!
-working conditions!
-Satisfaction with the variables did not lead to greater job satisfaction, thus introducing a new
paradigm, with the 2-factor model.!
The role of the suggestion scheme
-A well-designed suggestion scheme saves managerial time. !
-It also recognises that the majority of employees who oer suggestions do so in order to
overcome a source of frustration. !
-It follows that a swift response on the part of the immediate line manager initiates four other
positive developments that are motivational !
-firstly, the employees experience the satisfaction of seeing their idea being implemented;!
-secondly, this sense of satisfaction is not needlessly delayed;!
-thirdly, adoption means that an appropriate business case has been made which means
that either the manager believes the organisation will save money or that it will make
-fourthly, the idea will be contributing to organisational success. If employees share in a
sense of ownership, they are more likely to have a shared commitment to making it work. !
-Thus, whilst a suggestion scheme may not make Taylorised work more stimulating, it can
catalyse social processes that are more enriching and, as a result, create a climate in
which both managers and employees can be motivated to promote and support
innovation and change by facilitating a sense of commitment to making it happen.!
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Document Summary

Herzberg and his collaborators published the motivation to work in 1959, proposing two factors in uencing motivation at work hygiene factors that demotivate when they are inappropriate, and motivators that sustain e ort. It catalysed one of the most strenuously contested areas of management theory, largely because of the assertion that there was a weak correlation between nancial reward and job satisfaction. While inadequate nancial reward can demotivate, nevertheless, beyond a limited threshold, money is a hygiene factor and does not motivate. Herzberg and his team explored the impact of fourteen factors on job satisfaction and dissatisfaction in terms of frequency and duration of impact. They were found to group into two clusters depending on whether job satisfaction or dissatisfaction was the focus of concern. If they were unhappy with company policy and administration. Satisfaction with the variables did not lead to greater job satisfaction, thus introducing a new paradigm, with the 2-factor model.