BIOL 1070 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Humus, Niche Construction, Coarse Woody Debris

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Once again, you will hear from the stakeholders who have concerns about this development. They will share with you their respective claims regarding the biodiversity in each of the three woodlots. Again, you are encouraged to build a concept map of the knowledge you have gained for all three woodlots. We used stratified random sampling protocols for streams to gather water samples and fish. Our bird data came from breeding bird surveys conducted by our staff within random sample points on transects within each woodlot. We do not need to have a reason for enjoying nature"s splendour and the intrinsic value of biodiversity. The community has made a list of birds seen at the bird feeders and along the trails in maple ridge. We stay away from old field woods because it has dangerous giant. Hog weed that caused serious injury to some of our neighbourhood children! .