BIOL 1070 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Understory, Cryptochrome, Woodlot

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24 Feb 2014

Document Summary

They include the physical and chemical factors that affect the ability of organisms to survive and reproduce; some examples of abiotic factors are light, temperature (heat), chemical products, water and atmosphere. Light constitutes the main supply of energy for organisms. Plants with chlorophyll can change the light energy into chemical energy via the process known as photosynthesis. This chemical energy is stored in complex organic substances that are used for growth, development of flowers and the production of fruit/seeds. Many plants have adapted to high or low light conditions; shade tolerant plants can dominate the understory of dense forest canopies. Light also regulates many biological rhythms of a large amount of species of both plants and animals. Plants use a photoreceptor protein (e. g. , phytochrome or cryptochrome) to sense seasonal changes in photoperiod. This signals anthesis, which is the development of flowers.