ANSC 3080 Study Guide - Final Guide: Flunixin, Trilostane, Fever

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Nervous syste(cid:373: grey matter and white matter, grey nerve cell bodies, white nerve cell processes like myelinated axons. Action potentials: depolarization occurs and voltage gates na channels open causing influx of. Ecg: p atrial depolarization, qrs ventricle depolarization, t ventricle repolarization, pq interval time for action potential to pass through the av node (atria to ventricle) Functions: upper airways, gas humidification, filtration and warming, gas distribution to the gas respiratory zone, no gas exchange, lungs, gas transport and exchange for metabolism, filter blood, chemical processing. Trachea, bronchi and bronchioles: main reason for differences, presence of cartiliage, not in bronchioles as they need to contract and expand via smooth muscles. How are airways cleared: ciliated and mucus producing cells (goblet cells) in trachea move the trash upwards for excretion or digestion in stomach. What controls air movement between airways and respiratory zone: pressure differences in relation to volume changes of lungs, diaphragm and thoracic cavity.