ANSC 3080 Study Guide - Final Guide: Gonadotropic Cell, Nuclear Receptor, Telophase

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Ventilation: air transport through the airways from the atmosphere to the respiratory zone of the lungs, airways= system of tubular structures, nasal and oral cavities, pharynx and larynx. Final exam: trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, bronchioles connect to alveoli where gas exchange occurs. Inner surface= mucous membrane that warms and humidifies air. In some species, hair in nostrils acts as first filter: epithelium contains ciliated cells and mucus cells (goblet): trap foreign objects, move the mucus toward the pharynx. Goblet cells: produce mucus to wet the air and trap dust. Dirt is captured by mucus, ciliated lining pushes mucus with dirt so we don(cid:495)t eat it. Cells in the trachea are also ciliated all the way to the bronchioles. In case of infection in bronchioles- more mucus accumulating in lung. Goes down when we eat something: glottis: soft bone that goes up, trachea, flexible tube kept open by cartilage rings to protect the neck.