ANSC 3080 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hemoglobin, Intercostal Muscle, Brainstem

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If r increases, difference in pressure must go up to maintain air flow. If difference in pressure decreases, r must go down to maintain air flow. The airways the system of tubular structures. What part is active, what part is passive: compression/expansion of the lungs by respiratory muscles = controls difference in pressure. Maximum volume that can be inhaled after a normal inhale. Maximum volume that can be exhaled after a normal exhale. Air left in the lungs after exhaling completely (i. e. after an erv) He(cid:374)r(cid:455)"s la(cid:449): a(cid:373)ou(cid:374)t of gas dissol(cid:448)ed is dire(cid:272)tl(cid:455) proportio(cid:374)al to partial pressure of that gas. The main application of henry"s law in respiratory physiology is to predict how gasses will dissolve in the alveoli and bloodstream during gas exchange. Within the alveoli, an exchange of gases takes place between the gases inside the alveoli and the blood.