KNES 260 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Inferior Vena Cava, Pulmonary Vein, Pulmonary Artery

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Arteries: carry blood from the heart to the tissues. Always oxygenated blood except for the pulmonary arteries that take deoxygenated blood to the lungs. Arteries have 3 layers: tunica adventia: (outer layer, tunica media (middle layer, tunica intima (inner layer) These layers reduce friction with smooth inner lumen and keep volume and pressure high. Veins: return deoxygenated blood to the heart, except for the pulmonary veins that take oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart. (venous return is affected by respiratory pump, skeletal muscle pump, and sympathetic innervation) Veins have 3 layers: tunica externa/adventia (collagen fibres, tunica media (smooth muscle and elastic fibres, tunica intima (endothelium layer) These layers are similar in structure to arteries, but their walls are thinner due to lower bp. Ante brachium: large (inferior vena cava) usually no valves. Wide bundles of smooth muscle and well developed outer layer: medium (great saphenous vein) have valves, to maintain flow.