KNES 237 Study Guide - Final Guide: Dietary Supplement, Food Irradiation, Refined Grains

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Must label foods with 2+ ingredients + dietary supplements + products w/claims! Do(cid:374)"t (cid:374)eed to la(cid:271)el bite size candy, fresh produce, fish/seafood, small business food. New labeling laws: added sugars, vit d and k+, do(cid:374)"t need vit a/c, noticeable calories, accurate servings. 100% organic vs. organic vs. made with organic ingredients vs. some organic ingredients. Labels: order ingredients, %dv (<5% low, 10-19% good, >20% high), allergic reactions (milk solids, egg whites, sulfites, nuts) Enriched: refined grain products, 4 lost in milling (thiamin, niacin, iron, riboflavin). 3000 additives added for 5 reasons, gras certifications. Food irradiation with 10-20x lethal dose for 3 purposes (sprouting, ripening, insects/mold/bacteria); 5 objections (radioactive food, radiolytic products, nutrient , workers/environment, fetus) Dietary supplements: no rigorous testing (only npn), (cid:862)(cid:272)ure/treat/pre(cid:448)e(cid:374)t disease(cid:863), need supplement facts, can have scientifically-backed health claims! Food selection: culture, nutrition knowledge + (cid:271)eliefs, pra(cid:272)ti(cid:272)al, food prefere(cid:374)(cid:272)es.