[SOC100] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (75 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Chapter 1: looking and acting through the lens of sociology. Study of human being in relationships to one another. Two or more people interacting (any human relationship) Things are not what they seem to be. The way the appear to us in day to day experience doesn"t really give us insight to what is actually going on in the world. Sociology is about applying some sort of method to understand what is actually going on in the world. Societal norms (legal means, values of a society, etc) Life chances (defined as opportunities given based on circumstances; race, gender, economic background, educational background, etc. ) Millennials (us) are going to have different options/social norms than our parents did. What is the difference between the free choices we get and the social norm? **** There"s the thought that we have free choices, we live in a free world where we can make our own decisions.