[SOC100] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (19 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Systematic study of social behaviour in human societies. Social theorists want to understand the nature of social life. The scope of society extends as far as the relevant social relationships (in this case, canadian society) Macrosociology looks at societal institutions and organizations. The sociological imagination helps us see how individual circumstances and events are tied to larger social forces and institutions. Europeans in the 1700s began to realize that society could be understood through reason and scientific studies. The basis of sociology lies in the problems that stem from urbanisation. Our capacity, as humans, to think and change. Focused on rates to understand deeper pathological problems in a society. A lack of collective consciousness based on the lack of social ties. Durkheim worried about the consequences of society moving away from small, close-knit communities. Structural functionalism developed out of durkheim"s work. Institutions maintain social order by recognizing the significance of shared social experiences in binding people together (eg. religion)