PSYCO104 Study Guide - Final Guide: Rapid Eye Movement Sleep, Cogito Ergo Sum, Gestalt Psychology

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14 Apr 2014
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PSYCO104 Full Course Notes
PSYCO104 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Psychology: the scienti c study of mind and behaviour. Mind: our private inner experience of perceptions, thoughts, memories, and feelings. Behaviour: observable actions of human beings and non human animals. Structuralists: analyze the mind by breaking it down into its basic components. Functionalists: focus on how mental abilities allow people to adapt to their environments. Nativism: philosophical view that certain of knowledge are innate or inborn. Philosophical empiricism: phiosophical view that all knowledge is acquired through experience. Phrenology: now defunct theory that speci c mental abilities and characteristics ranging from memory to the capacity for happiness are localized in speci c brain regions. Physiology: study of biological processes especially in the human body. Reaction time: amount of time taken to respond to a speci c stimulus. Consciousness: a person"s subjective experience of the world and mind. Structuralism: the analysis of the basic elements that constitute the mind, create. Introspection: the subjective observation of one"s own experience.