PSYCO104 Study Guide - Final Guide: Basal Ganglia, Polygynandry, Twin

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PSYCO104 Full Course Notes
PSYCO104 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Chapter 1: psychology the evolution of a science. Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behaviour: the mind refers to our private inner experience, the consciousness. Consciousness is made up of perceptions, thoughts, memories and feelings: behaviour refers to observable actions of human beings and nonhuman animals. Plato (428bc-347bc) argued in favour of nativism: nativisim certain kinds of knowledge are innate or inborn. Aristotle (384bc-322bc) believed that the child"s mind was a tabula rasa (blank slate), on which experiences were written, and he argued for philosophical empiricism: philosophical empiricism all knowledge is acquired through experience. Ren descartes (1595-1650) is best known for his suggestion that the body and soul are fundamentally different. Francis gall (1758-1828) developed a theory phrenology: phrenology specific mental abilities and characteristics, ranging from memory to the capacity for happiness, are localized in specific regions of the brain. Paul broca (1825-1880) worked with a brain-damaged person who could comprehend but not produce spoken language.