SOCI 1002H Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Scantron Corporation, Grammatical Gender, Atavism

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Social structure made up of insituions that organize/manage/discipline our interacions. Culture is the content that ills up the structure: beliefs, norms, values, acions. Power: ability to achieve your will despite resistance of others. Power is achieved through control of resources of value: markets, weapons, media, law, votes, workers, consumers. Proximal power: family, peer groups, teachers: food, clothing, shelter, idenity, safety. Distal power: insituions, status, norms: cannot see to oppose. Change is quanitaive then it becomes qualitaive: you cannot accomplish the structural change without the messy large number of acions. Necessity of poverty and unemployed to maximize proit. From auschwitz to wal-mart: the irraionalism of raionalism" weber. Riots and looing caused by disconnect between individual and society: hyper-individualism, hyper-connecivity. Weakened collecive norms and moral regulaion: self celebraion and self-celebraizaion. Geneic inferiority as cause of social problems: lombroso"s atavisic man, herbert spencer: social darwinism. Social problems (crime, poverty, addicion) result of failed adaptaion to social. From inferiority to dangerousness: slavery racial proile.