SOCI 1002H Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Scientific Management, Mechanical And Organic Solidarity, Class Consciousness

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How does these different forms of power work simultaneously: distal = distant, proximal = closer relation. Student vs teacher power, peer vs peer power, based on authority and class: what are the key arguments of marx, weber, and durkheim with regards to understanding current society"s social problems, market places boom and bust instability. What is the difference between these two ways of explaining social inequality: lombroso based superiority off physical features. Colonialism: explain in your own words what it means to say as our technological or material world changes, so do the norms that organize our relationships , as technology advances they become symbols of status ex. / iphones. Canadian"s share a class consciousness: how have today"s capitalist class become a ruling class, what are the key differences between taylorism, fordism, and post-fordism, what does it mean that today"s workplace is managed by stress .