SA 150 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Michel Foucault, Harriet Martineau, Postmodern Philosophy

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Contains a constraining or coercing force that pushes individuals to act in a paricular manor: 3 types of funcions: Manifest funcions: intended and readily recognized latent funcion: largely unintended and unrecognized latent dysfuncion: unintended and produce socially negaive consequences. The conlict theory: based on 4 cs. Change: conlict exists in all large socieies, class is a factor, funcions of society can be challenged by asking who does this funcion best serve . Symbolic interacionism: looks at the meaning of the daily social interacion of individuals. What is the meaning of bumping ist, who is their role model, Macrosociology: focus on society as a whole (durkheim, marx, weber) Microsociology: focus on the individual or a speciic group in a society. Post modern theory: recognize that there are many diverse voices that should not be drowned out by the powerful voices of dominant of society, michel foucault. Totalitarian discourse (michel foucault): universal claim about how knowledge or understanding is achieved.