SA 150 Midterm: Terms + Names Midterm

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Sociology: the social science that studies the development, structure, and funcioning of human society. The capacity to shit from one perspecive to another. Capacity to range from the most impersonal and remote transformaion to the most inimate features of the human self. Set of values in early protestanism that he believed led to the development of modern capitalism. Predesined elect group of people who will be saved during the. Capital: money and other assets used to generate money, like factories. Structural-funcionalist: funcionalism focuses on how social systems operate and produce consequences. Fused with structuralism, as a way of explaining social forms and their contribuions to social cohesion. Explains society as a biological and organic being. Social fact: paterned ways of acing, thinking, and feeling that exist outside of any one individual but exert social control over all people. Can be seen as characterisics of a group. Involved a constraining or coercing force that makes people act in a way.