PSYC 365 Study Guide - Final Guide: Afferent Nerve Fiber, Phantom Limb, Depersonalization

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Explain how health promotion has developed in canada. The past:main focus was reduction of health disparties. 1700 - 1900s : big focus on hospital operation and sanitation regulation. Health promotion framework (big idea: define health promotion. Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over and to imporve their health: major theories supporting the health promotion (health and social psych) Health belief model: changing beliefs can lead to change in behaviour. Provides info that can influence beliefs and behaviour such as. Elaboration likelihood model of persuasion: attitudes to be influenced through: Central route : logic, facts and reasoning. Fear: threat/consequences of failure to adapt (eg. smoking to lung cancer) Message framing: extent to which positive or negative aspects of an outcome are emphasized: loss framed messages: risky behaviour. Precede-proceed model: frameworks assisting with planning, implement, evaluate. 9 phases: 1-5-precede planning, 6-9 proceed : health challenge. Health equitiies linked with culture, geography, education and income.