GERO 420- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 34 pages long!)

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Immigrants 2 types w/ distinct needs: those who arrived years ago & have grown old in. Canada; those who arrived here in later life: marginalization: immigrants adhere to their traditional diet, which can create dietary & adaptation problems in hospitals or long-term-care facilities. Statement about what is thought to be true as opposed to what is real or desirable: norms: acceptable or expected behavior in specific social situations, ethnocentrism: members regards their mainstream culture as superior to all others. Influence how we behave toward people from other cultures. Population is growing in canada, but fewer people are able to carry on a conversation in a native language: 3 groups of aboriginal people: indians, inuit, & metis. Elders live w/ their family , which also includes dependent children & grandchildren: native elders are important for cultural transmission. & forming groups to provide leadership in their communities: older aboriginals face a # of barriers to access to health services.