CRIM 131 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cross-Examination, Youth Criminal Justice Act, Visible Minority

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Court ensure that all criminal justice laws and practices are consistent with the charter. Scc stroke down the criminal code section of abortion bc it infringed women"s charter right to security. Charter has constitutionalized the right to security against unreasonable search and seizure. Police must have reasonable grounds to believe that the person is carrying an illegal object or substance. Prior to the charter, search powers were not scrutinized. Led to abuses of power (police could enter homes anytime) Right to counsel renders the complex cjs more accessible to individuals. Recognized the importance of legal counsel as a means to achieve more just results. Purpose: give criminal suspects a fair opportunity to exercise their right to silence and to refrain from self-incrimination. The impact of right to counsel is limited. Police"s duty to inform the individual of their right to counsel is triggered at the outset of an investigative detention, after he is arrested.