CMNS 253W Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Technological Determinism, Mobile Device, Fitbit

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Attention and other 21st century social media literacies: rheingold. Introduction: the part that makes social media social is that technical skills need to be exercised in concert with others: encoding, decoding, and community, i focus on five social media literacies, attention, participation, collaboration, network awareness, critical consumption. Attention: multitasking, or "continuous partial attention" as linda stone has called another form of attention-splitting, or "hyper attention" as n. katherine hayles has called another contemporary variant,2 are not necessarily bad alternatives to focused attention. Collaboration: though collaboration has a slightly different definition from cooperation and collective action, in general doing things together gives us more power than doing things alone. Network awareness there were physical limitations on which people and how many people we could include in our network: the technical networks amplify and extend the fundamental human capability of forming social networks. Internet history: internet is defined in two ways new media is thanks to the internet: