CMNS 230 Midterm: cmns 230 midterm review CHAPTER 2

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Three eras in the development of cultural production in europe+world. Era of cultural prodcution: involves a new social and economic significance for commercial cultural production in modern societies from the early 20th century onwards. Serves as a term that help us periodise change across the other aspects. To evaluate the changing socail signficiance of cultural industries: step back and ask what major changes have taken place in cultural production over the last 4-6 centuries. Marxist political economists and some cultural studies writer notes: Industrialization: involves significant capital investment, mechanized production and division of labor. Commodification: transforming objects and services into commodities (something you pay money for). A more encompassing process than industrialization and does not necessarily use industrial production techniques. What does it mean to transom something into a commodity: involves producing things not only for use but also for exchange (see page)