CMNS 130 Study Guide - Final Guide: Global Positioning System, Foxconn, Neil H. Mcelroy

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The term frankfurt school" refers to a group of german-jewish intellectuals associated with the. Institut f r sozialforschung, a private research foundation established in frankfurt in 1922 to study the structures and practices of society from a marxist perspective. They were founders of the critical theory. The critical theory provides a speci c interpretation of marxist philosophy and reinterprets some of its central economic and political notions such as commodi cation, rei cation, fetishization and critique of mass culture. Mass culture became a commodity for capitalists to build services and products that appeal to audience. It transformed into pseudo-individualization in which trivial differences disguise an underlying sameness and homogeneity. Culture is no longer created by artists and geniuses; it"s a business. Must be ef ciently produced to minimize costs, effectively promoted to stimulate demand, and easily consumed to maximize sales. These priorities elevate a particular dialectic of samosas and difference as the governing principle for all cultural products.