[CMNS 130] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (36 pages long)

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Document Summary

We will begin the course by looking at forms of communication prevalent in the 20th century (media: newspapers, radio, television, etc. Shown film by sagar mitchell and james kenyon (some of the earliest documentary makers- and pioneers of the actuality film genre now documentaries) taken in britain. Film was new technology at this time and these were screened at fairs and town halls. Films often had drama and such- but the actuality films were most popular and often shown last. (first older film showed employees entering work place, second modern clip also showed everyday life with everyone distracted by their phones) Both films show human fascination with technology, no dialogue, structural difference with how the people interact with media (all collectively looking at camera vs. individual screens). While the first had a sense of community and the second is about the individuals in a group setting.