BUS 478 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Management System, European Cooperation In Science And Technology, Cost Leadership

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These notes are made from the testbook and test. Business-level strategy - is an integrated and coordinated set of commitments and actions the firm uses to gain a c. a by exploiting core competencies in specific. Bls is a core strategy that described how a firm will compete in a product markets. Strategic competitiveness results on when a firm satisfied a group of customers using its c. a as the basis for competing in individual product markets. Bsl are created to satisfy customers customer satisfaction = repeated customers. Bsl create differences between the firm"s position and those of its competitors to do this a firm must decide whether to perfume activities differently or to perform different activities. Lower cost than rivals or the ability to differentiate and command a premium price that exceed the extra cost of doing so . Segment in the industry and tailors its strategy to serve them to the exclusion of others.