BPK 110 Study Guide - Final Guide: Salt, Biotin, Hallucination

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Protein building blocks = amino acids, in long folded chains. Aa contains an amino group, an acid group and a unique side chain: side chain = vary in size and structure, what makes each aa unique! Aa has nitrogen, distinguishes them from carbs/fats. Protein synthesis = condensation reaction = remove water, two link together. Aa are linked together by peptide bonds to form polypeptides. To be a functional protein, it needs to fold into a specific structure with 3 or 4 levels of organization. The shape of a protein is essential to its function! (eg long shape of muscle protein help overlap and shorten during contraction). Denaturation = alteration of protein s 3d structure (tertiary or quaternary) thus loses its original function: heat, acid, agitation can denature a protein - ex. Cooking an egg: eg enzyme protein salivary amylase enters stomach, acid causes structure to change, no longer digest starch)