PSY 202 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Prenatal Development, Alibaba Group

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Document Summary

Blastocyst: ball of identical cells early in pregnancy that haven"t yet begun to take on any specific function in baby part. Embryo: second to eighth week of prenatal development, during which limbs, facial features, and major organs of the body take form. Fetus: period of prenatal development, from ninth week until birth after all major organs are established and physical maturation is the primary change. Motor behavior: bodily motion that occurs as a result of self-initiated force that moves the bones and muscles. Adolescence: the transition between childhood and adulthood commonly associated with the teenage years. Puberty: the achievement of sexual maturation resulting in the potential to reproduce. Primary sex characteristic: a physical feature such as the reproductive organs and genitals that distinguish the sex. Secondary se characteristic: a sex-differentiating characteristic that doesn"t relate directly to reproduction, such as breast enlargement in women and deepening voices in men.