MKT 300 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Fixed Cost, Psychographic, Repeat Unit

145 views2 pages
23 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Adjusted trial rate = trial rate * awareness * acv. Avg price per unit ($) = (unit price of sku 1 ($) * sku 1 % of sales) + (unit price of sku 1 ($) * sku 1 % of sales) etc. Brand development index (bdi) = [brand sales to group / people in group] / [total brand sales / total people] Brand equity index = effective market share * relative price * durability. Brand penetration (%) customer who have purchased the brand (#) / total population (#) Brand value = financial value * brand contribution. Brand z value = corporate earnings * brand multiple * brand contribution. Break-even cannibalization rate (becr) = new product unit contribution / old product unit contribution. Break-even in sales (#) = fixed costs ($) / contribution per unit ($) Breakeven in units = fixed costs/ contribution margin/unit.