[MHR 721] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 22 pages long Study Guide!

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Lack of research on negotiating because real negotiators are reluctant to let researchers watch them at work and second is lack of methodology. The rackham studies criteria of studying successful negotiators: he should be rated as effective by both sides. Both sides should agree negotiator"s effectiveness was a precaution to prevent picking a sample from a single frame of reference: he should have a track record of significant success. Effective track record over a period of time and not just short term: he should have a low incidence of implementation failures. Purpose was not just to reach an agreement but to reach one that was viable. By comparing behaviour of skilled and average group was possible to isolate the crucial behaviours of skilled negotiators. During negotiation researcher counted the frequency with which certain key behaviours were used. No significant difference between total planning time. This finding was derived from negotiator"s impressions of themselves, not actual observed behaviour.