MHR 523 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Corporate Social Responsibility, Sexual Coercion, Deductive Reasoning

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Labour and employee relations: team based, professional practices, organizational effectiveness. Four phases: phase 1 (early 1900s, hrm or personnel administration, as it was then called played a very minor or non-existent role, during this era, personnel administrators assumed responsibility for hiring and firing (a duty formerly looked after by first-line. Labour relations: globalization, managing the workforce in an intense, hypercompetitive global economy, global trends. Firms extend business operations abroad: emergence of a single global market. Sustainability: climate change, global warming, pollution, carbon footprints, extinction of wildlife species, ecosystem fragility. Internal influences in hr: organizational culture, values, beliefs, and norms of organizational members, often conveyed through an organization"s mission statement, positive culture is desired, organizational climate, the atmosphere"s impact on employee motivation, job performance, and productivity. Influenced by leadership, hr policies, communication style: management practices, organizational structure and employee empowerment, designing and analyzing jobs. Fall 2016: define job analysis and explain how it is linked to key hr functions.