HTT 303 Study Guide - Final Guide: Big Data, Yelp, Digital Divide

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Document Summary

As well why might travel agents be necessary: beware pitfallspg. 7 what is tico, what does it do and why: agents usepg. 8 how do travel agents become familiar with hotel properties: how the primepgs. What is replacing them, why and how well: hotels and travelpgs. 13 to 18 what can and/or has been done to ensure hotels and travel agents work together harmoniously: guidebookspg. 11 what is the quality and importance of written guides in travel and tourism distribution: the days maypg. 12 what is the possible future of the corporate travel agent and why: cost conundrumpgs. Information provisionpg 2 in the distribution channel why do tics exist, how financially effective is. 3 what do travel writers do: an advertisingpg. Finally what can a campaign get from it for further distribution channel use: canadians collectpg. 7 what is the latest distribution channel museums use, why and how much do customers pay: the drivers pgs.