FNP 350 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Needs Assessment, Communication Theory, Health Education

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Review your class notes and readings to ensure that you know and can apply the following content. What options do we have to make (health) behaviour changes in people: legislative (policies), education, marketing campaigns. How do we ensure that we promote change that is necessary, evidence based, without unintended consequences: education (no unintended consequences) Where do people get their nutrition and food information and what are the predominant factors that influence their food choices: 13% md; 32% internet; 54% tv. Influence food choices= mainly taste > nutrition: taste (76%), nutrition (50%), cost (45%), health (39%), convenience (31%) How can we work as professional food and nutrition experts with media to ensure that the content they provide is reliable: ebdm. Social psychology theories are frequently used to help us create nutrition communication campaigns; be able to apply the major theories and their constructs to convey a nutrition communication campaign message.