DST 500 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Mad Pride, Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor, Dsm-5

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Document Summary

It re-evaluates the term mad and the category of madness. It considers the issues of oppression, discrimination, and barriers within society. Takes social, relational, identity-based and anti-oppression approaches to questions of mental/psychological/behavioural differences. Educates people about madness and uses experiences, history, culture, political organizing, narratives, writings and people: describe the different ways that reville has brought mad community into the university. Only certain metal health knowledges are validated as legitimate because professionals and people who views are aligned with professionals hold power over the public. Campaigns that are apparently for mad people never use the term mad. Systemic corporations operate in accordance to efficacy models/social marketing strategies. It impacts mad people because it sidetracks social justice work that are in affect to help mad people. It does not take into account of experiences, cultures of mad people and also does not see the structural was where madness is dealt with (being killed, institutionalized).