ACS 106 Study Guide - Final Guide: Presupposition, Linguistic Competence, Chinese Classifier

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Hyponym of dog would be puppy: one a ntonym for dog is ca t. 31. ca nine is a s ynonym for dog: you mus t work fa s te r be ca us e time is money, he is driving me cra zy! Re pa yme nt = root of the pre fix a nd s uffix. The s ma lle s t unit of me a ning. The building blocks to a word. ( cows be come s cow a nd s : a clos e d-cla s s morphe me is clos e d in te rms of ne w inve ntions . Als o known a s bound morphe me s . Ofte n include a rticle s /pre pos itions /pronouns . E s t, -e d, -ing: infle ctiona l morphe me is us e d to indica te the gra mma tica l function of a word.