SOCY 273 Study Guide - Final Guide: Attribution Bias, Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder, Fundamental Attribution Error

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Attribution: the process of identifying a cause or causes for an outcome (happening, behavior, or event). Any time you are trying to explain an event or behavior you are making an attribution identify a cause for that event. Attributions are made in a range of behaviors (could be for personal reasons, understanding other people"s behavior, why buildings collapse, etc. It also looks at biases that individuals fall into when make attributions. We all seek attributions so we could better predict and control outcomes: outcome: the happening behaviour or event for which a cause is sought. Commonsense psychology and scientiic psychology: explanation: factors within person (internal) or environment (external) Internal: identify the cause as being within the person doing or experiencing the behaviour to be explained. * example: i failed an exam because i didn"t revise. External: identify the location for the cause as outside of the outcome to be explained.